Home / 11th Supply Chain & Logistics Summit & Exhibition

11th Supply Chain & Logistics Summit & Exhibition

Yesterday, Shamrock attended the 11th Supply Chain & Logistics Summit & Exhibition in Nicosia, Cyprus. Organized by EY, the Conference aimed to address some of the key challenges facing the logistics market in Cyprus, as well as provide some case studies of best practice.

Throughout the day, we learnt about the supply chain plans of the local market along with an interesting historical review of how matters have changed over the years. A key challenge for logistics companies on the Island is a struggle to enforce in the market ideas and concepts that can make the supply chain more efficient and effective. However, from transportation, security and 3PL, moving commodities has developed in ways that only prove how people in the local market have the knowledge to deliver results for the benefit of all consumers.

One particular aspect that was a pleasure for us to hear, is the concept of sharing. Forwarders and supply chain coordinators have realized that, by sharing correctly, more can be achieved. This sharing embraces structure, warehouses, trucks and most importantly, information. Data needs to flow in a way that can help both supplying companies along with customers in order for the whole supply chain to be monitored and all involved parties to have the information needed on time. At Shamrock, and especially in our Operations department, this is a rule we live by and is one that ensures our customers get the best service each time.

Overall, it was a great Conference to meet and network with people who have been present in the market for many years. We gained a lot from the enthusiasm, commitment, involvement, motivation and above all the responsibility of the transportation industry to the Island, and the development of business.

Shamrock Oils send our thoughts and prayers to the people of UkraineOur thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine