In cooperation with Embassies and Aid organizations in Europe, Shamrock has already offered logistics support to deliver trucks with humanitarian goods to Ukraine during these difficult times.
With the help of our Ukrainian based logistics provider, Trans-Service-1, LLC we were able to arrange the transportation of three 20 Tons trucks with from Belgium and Spain directly to secured and monitored warehouses inside Ukraine. Our aim was to cover the costs for such transportation and to make sure that the goods donated by the European citizens reach cities of Ukraine rather than the collection points at the boarders which were very busy with cargo coming from many other countries.
The trucks arrived at the delivery points in a safe and timely manner, and we are glad that we could be part of this project.

We would like to thank all the parties involved here locally, to Max Sych from Stone Bridge Capital, to Tatyana Romanyukha from Thetechisland and to the Embassy of Ukraine in Cyprus – for sharing their request for logistics support with us and for making all the arrangements at loading and discharge.
The trucks arrived at the delivery points in a safe and timely manner, and we are glad that we could be part of this project.
Shamrock is deeply concerned and saddened by the current situation in Ukraine, and we consider that an invasion on any sovereign state leads, above all, to human suffering and loss of live. We are here to support the people and assist in any way possible, while following the international community and comply with all sanctions. At the same time, Shamrock maintains its core values and continues to provide to both customers and refineries the best solutions for their business to remain undisrupted.
If you’re looking to support people affected by the war in Ukraine, consider donating money directly to the charity organizations. Here are some of them, which you might find useful:
Special Solidarity Bank Account for the Ukrainian people
Beneficiary Republic of Cyprus
Account Name Solidarity Account for Ukrainian people
Account Name (for short) SOLIDARITY A / C – UKRAINIANPEOPLE
Bank Central Bank of Cypru Account Number 6001031
IBAN CY31 0010 0001 0000 0000 0600 1031 Swift (BIC) Code CBCYCY2N
Theotokos Workshop
For the past years Shamrock has been supporting Theotokos Workshop Project in Limassol, which is a Cyprus based section within Theotokos Foundation. It is a non-profit organisation offering comprehensive services to children and youths with learning and other developmental disabilities. The purpose of the workshop was initially to introduce people with decreased levels of ability and mobility to classes, promoting therapy through art.
Today the workshop has grown into an art centre suitable for all ages, from kindergarten children to high school students, where people with special needs as well as the general public can work and create without affecting the artistic capabilities of each participant, but still being more aware and understanding to the needs of disabled people. The Workshop is also an information centre for all educators and teachers that have an artistic or creative role in schools with special needs students. It is also a reference point for University students that want to practice their educational abilities.
Here at Shamrock we truly admire and love the results of the workshop in many areas: paintings, seasonal decorative items for the office and the house, small furniture, lighting and electrical devices all of different aesthetic styles – all colourful, bright and extremely positive. We appreciate the chance to make our contribution to this important and awe-inspiring project.

Magidigidi Primary School library, South Africa
As a global company, Shamrock places immense importance on its responsibilities to its stakeholders and the local community. We strive to always improve our own impact on the community and, where we have the opportunity, to support our close partners in their efforts as well.
Late in 2016 we had the opportunity to do just this. We made a donation to one of our African partners’ charity funds, which has been used to sponsor a new library for the children of Magidigidi Primary school, South Africa.
The school is situated in rural Ixopo, KwaZulu Natal, where the closest library accessible to the students is over 20km away. Now, however, students of the school can enjoy sharing and reading books in a brightly painted red container – a real stand out in the otherwise rural landscape.